Friday, April 26, 2013

Genesis 6:1-22 A World of Wickedness

Genesis 6:1-22
A World of Wickedness
Vs.1-7 the term sons of God has often been understood to be of the angelic realm, however, it could not be true as angels do not marry nor are they given in marriage Matt.22:30. Therefore the only plausible answer is that the sons of God were those, like Enoch, who believed in and worshiped the Creator.
Because of the increased wickedness in the world the Lord God declared that man’s days would be numbered, that is not that man would live 120 years [for history shows that many, before and after this declaration, lived for hundreds of years. Therefore, it means that God, from the time He gave Noah instructions to build the ark, until the flood would be 120 years. So the Lord God gave man 120 years to repent of their evil ways and turn back to Him, else He would cause a flood to engulf the earth, thus destroying all mankind.
Vs. 5 the Hebrew word for repented is nocham; which means –to sigh, or breathe strongly; it also means to avenge oneself or repent of one’s deeds. In this case God was sorrowful in that He created man and vowed that He would destroy all man and beast. Sin will grieve the heart of God as it falls short of what God designed man for.
Vs.8 BUT…Throughout Scripture God has always had a but; which signifies an act of mercy or, in this case, an alternative plan… Noah.
Noah was God’s plan of mercy, His alternative plan, and the first plan for a remnant. A remnant is that which is left over after everything else has been cut off; Noah and his family were the first remnant of mankind. The Lord God would start the world anew, beginning with Noah, for Noah had found grace in the sight of the Lord. Noah was a just man, and perfect in his generations and he walked with God vs.9.
Four times God mentions the violence and wickedness of man in the earth, vs. 5,11,12,13 which shows how deeply God was grieved with man. Notice also that the Lord God declared also that He would not only destroy man but all beasts and creeping thing. Every living being on earth would be destroyed by the flood of water vs.17.
Another vital point of God’s mercy, provision, and sovereignty is that He made accommodations for the animal kingdom on the Ark for the benefit of mankind. Two of each species, male and female, that they might reproduce and multiply on the earth as before the flood. They were also a remnant…of the animal kingdom; remember that the animal kingdom was cursed in the fall of mankind as well as man.
It is important to note that this is the first account of a flood or rain upon the earth, for up until this time the earth was watered by a mist from the ground; which may account partially for man’s reluctance to follow Noah’s pleading and preaching.
Details of the Ark
This is also the first recorded sailing vessel in Scripture.
·         Gopher wood (Cypress wood)
·         Rooms (stalls, pens, coops, nests, cages, compartments)
·         Seal it with pitch (bitumen) to make it waterproof
·         300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits high (450x75x45 ft.)
·         A roof with 1 window (for sunlight and ventilation) 1 cubit (18 in.)
·         1 door [no emergency or back door] in the side of the Ark
·         3 stories or decks
God’s covenant with Noah
            God promised to make a covenant with Noah: ch.8:21-22-9:17
·         God would not curse the ground again. [this does not mean that the original curse was repealed—rather that God would not curse it again in the future] [the curse upon the ground intensified the curse upon man as did also the curse upon the animal kingdom...the curse upon the animal kingdom (both aquatic, fowl of the air, and land creatures). Rom.8:20-23 relates the curse upon the creature is waiting for the redemption (future tense) of our bodies…and they also groan [as being subjected to the curse]. The creature suffers sickness and disease, deformities, toxins such as mercury poisoning etc. just as humans.
·         God will not destroy earth in like manner [flood]. See 2Peter 3:10-13 [earth destroyed by fire…new heaven and new earth…righteousness]
·         4 seasons will remain: seedtime, harvest, cold and winter, heat and summer, day and night shall not cease
·         Ch.9:1-17 the covenant:
·         Vs.13 the bow [rainbow] for a token of God’s covenant with Noah
Faith Building Practice and Review
1.    What does the phrase, sons of God, mean?
2.    What is meant by a remnant?
3.    In this lesson…how can we learn about Knowing God?
4.    Why was the creature/animal kingdom cursed?
5.    What was God’s covenant with Noah?
6.    What (hypothetically speaking) would be the state of man if the creature/animal kingdom had not been cursed?
7.    Do you not see God’s love exhibited in this lesson? Explain.
8.    What does the lesson teach concerning God’s position concerning evil and wickedness?
9.    Read and study Rom.8:21-23. How was the creature affected by the curse?
10. According to 2Peter 3:10-13, how will the earth be destroyed?
11. In what ways does this lesson remind you of the days we are living in now?

Knowing God
A brief [not complete; add to the list] synopsis of the persona of God. Circle each attribute of God as illustrated in this lesson. Explain and designate the verse or passage.
·         Love
·         Gracious
·         Merciful
·         Righteousness
·         Longsuffering
·         Gentleness
·         Faithfulness
·         Compassionate
·         Forgiving
·         Friend
·         Anger
·         Sovereignty
·         Provider
·         Redemptive
·         Remnant lover and provider
       The ultimate goal of Bible study is to know God and not to merely memorize Bible trivia. As you study, identify the attributes of God. For instance: make a note when you read of God extending His forgiveness or compassion, and remember how He has done the same for you.

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