Saturday, November 2, 2013

resopnse to online discussion:Is refusing to bless a child born out of wed-lock the normal practice of the Church or Christian Community?

I recently read an article that stated that a Pastor refused to bless the child of an unwed mother. I'm not a pastor, but I am a Christian and a believer of God's word. I'm certainly not a proponent of teenage pregnancy, but life does happen. I certainly don't think that we should condemn. We should entreat those that do come in with love all the while instilling the word of God in them.

Richard’s response:
It depends on ones belief as to what "blessing a baby" actually means. To some it may mean the child is saved or born again. To others it means the parent/s have made themselves accountable to rear the child in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord". Certainly to "bless" the baby merely for the sake of tradition is not deemed appropriate. We do not know many crucial details to pronounce a genuine opinion on the matter. Perhaps the pastor made his determination based on his observation that the parent was not prepared to make herself accountable or had wrongful and or misguided anticipations regarding the matter. Personally, I would make my determination based on a more inclusive inquiry of the parent, followed by sincere admonition and instructions as to what was expected of her. Obviously the young child is incapable of rearing him or herself without proper adult guidance and supervision

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