Saturday, November 2, 2013

Persuading new believers?

Outreach Leader
Richard, if I read into you right you mean we toss and seed and consider it saved? Don't get me wrong, the law did not save me it was the seed that lead me to Christ.

So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow
Christian author and writer, speaker, empowering people to make great decisions, volunteer at DenverWorks
No Kat. It is from the parable of the sower. The seed is thrown on various soil types. However, the analogy is that a person cannot be "cleaned" or transformed until they are saved/born again, hence the seed must take root; if it doesn't there can be no transformation. That is where the transformation process begins. It is impossible to clean a fish before you catch it. Yet many Christians are repeatedly some are trying to change those who've never accepted Christ as savior. It is an exercise in futility. Even so, the parable teaches that some seed never produces while some produces and is withered because of poor soil, while still other soil is fertile and produces a great yield. The soil represents man's heart, which only God knows. Yet we are still admonished to sow the seed of the Word and let the Father glean as only He will.
Plus, using the fish as a type of the unbeliever and the seed the Word and the fruit as a believer willing to humble him or herself to be transformed. In the parable the seed, being the Word, is sown or thrown into various types of soil.
You are correct the law did not and does not save anyone. The seed in the parable is not the law but the Gospel.
Though many declare the US to be a Christian is not! Though it be founded upon Biblical principles, it never was or will be Christian as a whole. If it were then Christian politicians would legislate according to Scriptural principles. However, we see it time and again whereas man legislates contrary to God's Word expecting Godly results. For example:
Same sex unions and marriage are contrary to biblical principles and yet they are legalized. Am I a homophobic? Absolutely not! The Swiss legalized prostitution because they could not control it. Does that make it acceptable in God's eyes? I think not. God loves all but he hates the sin, just as I do.
It is true that a person may be delivered from various evils and vices, yet that alone does not save them from sin's death penalty. Only the Gospel is able to save. And that only if is received with joy and humility with willingness to submit to the power of God's Word!

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