Saturday, November 2, 2013

Do we persuade

Do we persuade new “believers” (undefined) that they need to work on a relationship with Jesus, or explain Him as our Helper? 1 John 4:19 We love, because He first loved us.
Richard’s response:
Greetings Kat, dropped off the radar for a spell. Your original question in regards to persuading new believers or explaining Him as our helper: both are vital; no one can go it alone. Everyone has issues whether new "born again" or oldies. Some changes are dramatic while others not so radical (speaking from personal experience). Making disciples involves the whole spectrum of persuading, teaching, reading, study, prayer etc.. It is a never ending process just as raising a baby to adulthood. Even as adults we are to keep on learning and growing (if we fail to do so the results are...). As a "born again" believer we are automatically and dynamically in relationship with the Father and Jesus Christ through the adoption by the Spirit. However, the relationship requires constant and consistent nurturing lest if falter. The whole of the Gospel is to produce a Holy people unto Himself, which means He is constantly and consistently prodding us on to repent of unholiness to present ourselves holy and spotless before Him on our wedding day. We are not yet wed to Him, only espoused, or engaged, even as Joseph was minded to put Mary away in private for supposed adultery.
Our children sometimes estrange themselves for various reasons, yet they are still related, their relationship, yet strained, is intact. Thus it behooves both parties to do all possible to reconcile.
Ultimately it the work of the Spirit to prompt us, however, we know He uses frail and incompetent humans, such as you and I to do His bidding.

Keep your wedding garment spotless! That's one function we have toward one another.

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