Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reply to previous Post


Hello Mr.Godfrey, there is a distinction between God's divine Moses Law and the Jewish Law, and Tradition. I'm glad you pointed that out, because that makes a difference in dismissing the supposition that because Mary was a woman she could not touch Jesus. The Law of Moses does supersedes the Jewish Law and Traditions. The Law of Moses deals with the soul, and the Jewish Laws and Traditions deals the external of moral ethics and rites.

The offering of first fruits brings clarity of why Mary could not touch Jesus. The wave offering Jesus fulfilled had to be complete order for us to be accepted. This makes sense for Mary not to touch Him at that given time, and answers why Thomas could in the upper room.
Much information has been given here about the divine order, and set time that God ordained for everything to be complete. You noted the Scriptures of John 20:30-31, and Leviticus 23:1-21, that makes references to the prophetic fulfillment of Jesus being our Wave Offering, and Passover Lamb. The Feast of Trumpets is yet to come as you pointed out from Leviticus 23:22-24, and the Book of Revelation.
Thank you so much for this divine insight into the Scriptures.
Glory to God, He's presence is here to give understanding. I thank Him.
God bless all of you.

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