Sunday, July 7, 2013

Calling to Convince or Live the Faith

Is it our calling as Christians to convince people of our faith or simply just to live out as witnesses?
Natasha, thanks for your most pertinent question. I too have witnessed those who've tried to cram a Thompson Chain Reference down everyone's throat in a desperate but futile attempt to "convert" them. We must remember that even Jesus did not save everyone who heard Him. Nor are we to expect to do so. We as servants are not above our Master. Agrippa, when confronted by Paul stated: "Almost thou hast persuaded me to be a Christian". Acts 26:28 What if you or I were a mute? How then would we "convince" a person to become a Christian, especially if we lived like the devil in their presence and produced no fruit of our salvation? I enjoy the discussion and agree with what I'm reading. Both living the walk and talking the talk are vital. Why should one desire to change if what they are witnessing is worse than that which they already have? Moreover, we are called to be sowers of the Word, spreading it wherever we find ground. The parable of the sower suggest 3 types of ground. Naturally a farmer would not waste good seed on bad ground, but we are not called to be soil inspectors, only sowers of the Word; thus leaving the soil inspection to the Spirit as well as the production and growth of the fruit. Notwithstanding, the sower has a high calling which must not be taken lightly. Discipleship plays a vital part as well. Many an undisciplined, well meaning person has wreaked havoc with the unsuspecting souls of many. However, it is still up to the Spirit to "convince" then to change and convert. "No man comes to the me, except the Father draw him". Jn.6:44 As for "compelling" you and I are to produce "compelling" reasons, both in Word and fleshing or living the walk, but still it is the Spirit which convicts, convinces and saves. As I ponder everyone's thoughts, one thought comes to me; semantics. We are all saying the same thing using different words and thoughts.
Blessings to all.

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