someone expound upon why Jesus told Mary not to touch Him because He have not
yet ascended to the Father? John 20:17. But in a few verses over He told Thomas
to touch His hand and side. (vs. 27). In
contrast of Jesus telling Mary not to touch Him before He was ascended into
heaven, Jesus allowed Thomas to touch Him by putting his finger in His hand,
and His side. John 20: Are there some significant details between the two that
we should understand?
Excellent question Linda. Interesting suppositions; Jesus
did not come to fulfill Jewish Law
or Tradition. He came to fulfill Divine Law as given by Moses; particularly the
laws of sacrifice and more specifically the Passover. He was and is our
Passover Lamb—the Lamb of God. This is the reason the Temple was destroyed in
70A.D. that no more sacrifices could be made. And they still cannot be made
because of the Dome of the Rock sitting in its place, preventing Jewish
sacrifices. Not only did Jesus fulfill the Passover sacrifice but all OT
sacrifices and offerings. It was God’s own Lamb offered and received for the
sins of all humanity as an eternal substitute for you and me so we, as
believers in His death, burial, and resurrection (1Cor.15:1-58). Included in
those offerings is the wave offering; Leviticus
23:9 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 10 “Speak to the sons of Israel and
say to them, ‘When you enter the land which I am going to give to you and reap
its harvest, then you shall bring in the sheaf of the first fruits of your
harvest to the priest. 11 He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord for you to be
accepted; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. NASB. So Jesus was also
the wave offering, meaning He was the
offering of Firstfruit before the Lord God.
Thus He could not be touched by
Mary. Sometime later, in the upper room, after He had been waved before the Lord God, [sometime between His encounter with
Mary and the upper room encounter with the disciples He became our wave offering] He encountered the
disciples in the upper room giving Thomas permission to touch, no actually
inspect the now risen from the dead Living Sacrifice. Everything Jesus did was
in exact accord with Divine Law in exact timing, on the exact day and hour as
the Divine Law required. A survey of events in the life of Jesus reveal the important timelines to set them in Divine
order according to Divine Law. John 20:30-31states the signs given in the
presence of the disciples that we might believe. Lev. 23:1-21 are the Feasts
already fulfilled by Christ, vs. 22-44 are the Feasts yet to be fulfilled in
Revelation. There is an intense difference between Jewish Law and Tradition and
Divine Law.
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