Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rock Solid Faith part 2

Rock Solid Faith part 2
In response to replies from part 1 of Rock Solid Faith, I fear many are misunderstanding the thrust of its message.
            The Rock Solid Faith I wrote about is not the kind of faith we use for believing for our bills to be paid or for that promotion of new job. Rock Solid Faith is that faith in God through the Rock Solid evidence of His creation, and the Rock Solid evidence of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our eternal salvation. All else is mere frosting on the cake. [Not to belittle our use of our faith in those ways.]
            Atheists are gearing up and coming out of the closet to combat out beliefs and subvert the beliefs of our children. Especially in the classrooms.  They are escalating a media blitz unparalleled in our day. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to have a firm Rock Solid foundation for what you believe and why. I’ve met many who proclaim their beliefs, in whatever it is, but haven’t the slightest clue as to why they believe what they believe. For example: many profess Christ as savior but can’t tell you why they are saved or why He died or even if He arose from the grave. They can’t tell you even the slightest evidence of Paul’s treatise in 1Cor.15:1-19. Likewise many declare themselves to be creationists, but can’t, for the life of them, tell you why they believe in creation. Sad isn’t it?
            Many say they believe but can give no reason or evidence for what they believe. Those who believe that way are in endangering their faith and the faith of their children and grandchildren. That is why I say we must teach our children that true faith is rooted and grounded in Rock Solid evidence. And that starts with creation. In the beginning God—created.
1Corinthians 15:1-19 is Paul’s treatise on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is all based on the personal testimony both of Paul and at least 514 eyewitnesses.  It concludes with the declaration that is Christ did not rise from the dead—our faith [there is that word faith again] is vain—worthless! In a court of law the testimony of witnesses is vital. There are several levels of testimony each one being deemed more valid than the other:
1.    Eyewitness: this has the highest degree of authenticity.
2.    Second hand: this is where a witness testifies of something heard from another.
3.    Circumstantial: evidence in which no witnesses are garnered but certain circumstances point to the suspect.
4.    Heresy evidence: is akin to second hand evidence only it is usually from a fourth party or more. Its validity is more suspect because of the variations from person to person.
Even Jesus himself said, “If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil” John 18:23. He was convicted with false witnesses and false evidence.
There may be other levels of testimony but I submit these because the witness of the creation is none other than creation or nature itself; eyewitness evidence! Likewise, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is founded upon the highest possible validity of evidences—that of eyewitness and historical evidences. Today, you and I are asked to examine the eyewitness accounts of both creation---proving the existence of God, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and salvation’s evidence of 514 eyewitnesses to His resurrection. Not to mention historical evidence both Old and New Testaments of foretelling the events and fulfilling the events of Christ’s passion.
The question remains: can you defend your faith?
1Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: having a good conscience that, whereas they speak evil of you, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.”
Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
Oil, gas and water companies when finding what they are looking for drill “test holes” to determine the “possibility” of finding what they are looking for.
We need not to drill “test holes”; we need only to examine and discover the Rock Solid evidence of Scripture, history and creation. Your faith is based on Rock Solid evidence, now whimsical thoughts or ideas!
What is your faith grounded on? Are you always ready to give an answer for what you believe?
Remember: we are not called to convert anyone of their beliefs. That is the Spirit’s job; we are only called to give a reason of our hope.

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