Monday, October 20, 2014

Crossroads of Life sneak preview

Crossroads of Life

Lesson 1: Introductory Lesson                                         19
Lesson 2: Various Methods of Decision Making             33
Lesson 3: Nine Step Biblical Process of Decision Making 43
Lesson 4: Hearing God’s Voice                                       51
Lesson 5: Rash and Hasty Decisions                              67
Lesson 6: Do I Want It or Need It?                                  75
Lesson 7: Finances and Retirement                                83
Lesson 8: Marriage and Relationships                          105
Lesson 9: Reversing the Curse                                     121
Lesson 10: Where Should I Worship?                           127
Lesson 11: Election Time                                              143
Lesson 12: Holding Your Feet to the Fire                      149
Starter Concordance of Biblical Principles                   159
Glossary of Names and Terms                                     169

Crossroads of Life
Making Tough Decisions using Biblical Principles
Author: Richard Godfrey
 Because most of us were never taught how to make decisions this book is a must read for anyone struggling with life’s decisions.   It will empower anyone to be a great, sound decision-maker whether it is in finances, relationships, retirement, marriage, regardless of the area. 
Order Crossroads of Life Today at:
Based on sound biblical principles this book is for you.

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