Thursday, August 7, 2014

Jacob's Saga part 6

Read Genesis 35:1-29
Even this day there is something about walking with Him in a polluted world that catches our hearts. Something we know better than get attached to, something we know eventually we will have to let it go and bury it. Something that hinders our worship of God becomes an idol. Jacob’s household was no different and he knew it, so he instructed them to give them up.
1-7 Jacob sent back to Bethel
            Sometimes we are forced to face our past as Jacob was instructed to return to Bethel, to the place where he ran from Esau. But this was different; this time he returned not to face his fears, he had already done that in ch.33, but to build an altar of praise for deliverance.
5 Holy fear
            We’re not told exactly what caused the peoples around them to fear them so greatly that they were afraid to chase after them and persecute them, however it was most likely the incident with Jacob’s sons and their sister, Dinah that caused a wall of fear to encompass them.
9-13 name change and blessing
      I.        Jacob obediently returned to Bethel (house of God)
    II.        His name changed to Israel (God has striven, God has saved) symbolic of his wrestling with God
   III.        Jacob refers to the singular person whereas Israel refers to the nation  as a whole
  IV.        Blessings of Abraham reiterated again [many times God will reiterate our blessings that we falter not in our faith
a)    God identifies Himself as the Almighty God
b)    Declaration of fruitfulness and growth in numbers
c)    Not only a little nation but many nations (12 tribes of Israel)
d)    12 Kings from Israel’s loins
e)    Abraham and Isaac’s heir [according to the birthright]
f)     The land divinely bestowed upon Israel perpetually [that’s what the middle eastern conflict is all about; everyone wants what God gave only to Israel]
As we gaze on the world today; Christians, by birthright have inherited blessings far superior to the rest of the world [to be sure the world is blessed, only God’s children are blessed far greater than those without the birthright] everyone wants what we have, only without surrendering to Christ. They want the blessings without the commitment, without the relationship.
14 drink offering and oil poured out
A “drink offering” is a metaphor of Jesus blood being poured out or shed for all humanity on Calvary. Jacob’s offering foreshadowed Christ’s offering. It was a prophetic gesture looking forward to Christ’s passion.
15 Bethel: house of God
House of God might also be rendered as a place of worship as both Abraham and Jacob worshipped at Bethel, house of God. For that cause I perceive that wherever one chooses to worship could be called Bethel.
16-20 Rachel dies in childbirth
She gives birth to Benjamin and is buried on the way to Bethlehem.
21- 22 Reuben’s incest
Concubine: Bilhah was the handmaid of Rachel, who bore Dan and Naphtali.  Among the Israelites, men commonly acknowledged their concubines, and such women enjoyed the same rights in the house as legitimate wives. However, neither they themselves nor their children were eligible to revieve the birthright.

23-26 12 sons of Jacob/Israel:


1. Reuben

7. Gad

5. Dan

12. Joseph

27-29 Isaac’s passing
Isaac was 140 years old when he died and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him in Hebron

Faith Building Practice and Review
1.    What constitutes an idol?
2.    Why is it important to destroy our idols?
3.    Take note of all the places and cities mentioned.
4.    Names, especially in the Old Testament had special meanings. Take special care in noting the meanings of such places and cities.
5.    Record any special messages that come to you in those meanings.
6.    How old was Isaac when he died?
7.    What is the meaning of a drink offering?
8.    How do we celebrate the drink offering today?

Knowing God
A brief [not complete, add to the list] synopsis of the persona of God:
·         Love
·         Gracious
·         Merciful
·         Righteous
·         Longsuffering
·         Gentle
·         Faithfull
·         Compassionate
·         Forgiving
·         Friend
       The ultimate goal of Bible study is to know God and not to merely memorize Bible trivia. As you study, identify the attributes of God. For instance: make a note when you read of God extending His forgiveness or compassion, and remember how He has done the same for you.

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