Thursday, July 17, 2014

Jacob's Saga part 5 Forbidden

Read Genesis 34:1-31
            This lesson underscores the forbidden practice of intermarrying with unbelievers. As with the entirety of Scripture this lesson is for our profit and prosperity as opposed to hindering our capacity to “enjoy” life to its fullest.
Remembering Jesus’ statement: …I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10b
That gives us a whole new perspective; the common view is that we can have all this “material” goods with disregard for proper attitudes, and virtues as honesty, integrity, etc...
A vile thing happens to Jacob’s family as Dinah, the daughter of Leah, is seduced by a Hivite. From the outset of Abraham’s saga we’ve learned of God’s mandate not to intermarry with unbelievers, no matter how much in love you are. See Gen.34:8-14.
Scripture gives ample reasoning for this prohibition:
1.    It defiles (makes dirty; pollutes; taints; makes unclean) the believer; Dinah
2.    It’s a reproach (instill a fault within the tribe) [believers are to be sanctified (dedicated) and consecrated to God] to believers
3.    Samson lost not only his eyesight when seduced but Delilah, but also his spiritual strength with God
4.    David lost a son with his adultery with Bathsheba [adultery and sex outside of marriage both bring reproach]. It matters not that the unbeliever thinks it to be alright to intermarry with a believer.
5.    Solomon’s many wives turned his heart from the Lord and the kingdom was torn from his family though many of those relations were established to forgo war between Israel and evil nations; the ultimate purpose of those marriages was against God’s will no matter what man devised.
6.    Not only this but history demonstrates such behavior passes from generation to generation sinking lower and lower into degradation.
7.    It is a satanic ploy to foster illicit unions with believers [see vs. 9]

Jacob’s sons devise deceitfulness
Not being able to dissuade the sons of Hamor, Jacob’s sons resort to deceitfulness:
1.    One condition: that all males subject themselves to circumcision. [The lesson here is no person can be coerced into making a decision for Christ; it must be based on a clear cut conviction, persuasion, and convincing of the vicarious death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for their sins, nothing more, nothing less]. Their ultimate reason was to render them helpless, thus setting them up for slaughter.
2.    Hamor agrees to circumcision believing it to be the start of intermarrying between both nations.
3.     Three days after the circumcision, while they were yet sore, the sons of Levi went in and murdered them all.
4.    Next they murdered Hamor and his son, Shechem, looted the city, plundered the wealth of the city, took captives of the women and children, and took their sister Dinah home.
Such actions by Simeon and Levi caused Jacob to be angry with them, as now the entire nation of Israel would become a stink in the hands of their ungodly neighbors, the Canaanites and Perizzites,  vs.30-31.
True enough believers are to be hated by all, however, not for atrocities but for shunning the practices of their neighbors. Even in the OT Israel lived next to unbelievers, so also do you and I. Likewise we also are to subscribe to Biblical mandates rather than succumb to worldly views and practices. Rom.12:1-2
Read Chapter 35:1-29
          Now Jacob is sent, by God, back to Bethel, where he had inquired of the Lord God before he reunited with Esau.
It’s very important to return to the place where you last had an answer from the Almighty. Sometimes we forget how to get to Him in times of trouble. The exact geographical location is not nearly as important as is the attitude of one’s heart. So Jacob humbled himself once again and sought the face of God. this is demonstrated by his demanding his people surrender their idols and submit themselves to God as well.
            Sometimes even you and I have need to cast all our idols at the throne of the Almighty, confessing and receiving His forgiveness that we might prosper in His ways, not ours. It’s not a hard thing to understand their plight as we heap many an idol upon ourselves without knowing. Idols of money, material goods, sexual perversions of all stripes, power, fame, influence, affluence you name it we can worship it without realizing it.
            Now God once again appears to Jacob, blesses him, and changes his name from Jacob, deceiver, trickster, to Israel, and reiterates Abraham’s blessings to him.   
Jacob erects a stone pillar and pours a drink offering and oil upon the pillar symbolic of God’s forgiveness, presence, and anointing.
 Rachel, his beloved wife, dies in childbirth and Jacob buries her in Ephrath which is Bethlehem.
Israel, still nomadic, sets up camp in Edar. His 12 sons are listed. I find it interesting to notice that all those who were from Abraham’s loins forward were nomadic; the NT describes you and I as seeking a home whose building and maker is God just like Abraham. We are sojourners and nomadic like Abraham.
Jacob’s father, Isaac dies at the ripe old age of 140 years, in Hebron, where he and Esau bury him.

Faith Building Practice and Review
1.    What NT passages specifically speak against intermarrying with unbelievers?
2.    List 5 reasons God gives for avoiding unions with unbelievers.
3.    What is meant by defiling?
4.    What is meant by consecration?
5.    What might be other consequences for being unequally yoked with unbelievers?
6.    There comes a time in our lives, not unlike Jacob, when God changes our name. Elaborate.
7.    Don’t you find it curious that we are also nomads like Abraham?
8.    Explain
9.    What is a nomad?
10. Explain.

Knowing God
A brief [not complete, add to the list] synopsis of the persona of God:
·         Love
·         Gracious
·         Merciful
·         Righteous
·         Longsuffering
·         Gentle
·         Faithful
·         Compassionate
·         Forgiving
·         Friend
       The ultimate goal of Bible study is to know God, not to simply memorize Bible trivia.. As you study, identify the attributes of God. For instance: make a note when you read of God extending His forgiveness or compassion, and remember how He has done the same for you.

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