Monday, January 21, 2013

Gun Control

Gun Control
The issue of gun control has surfaced once again due to the recent shootings. However, no matter how many laws are passed it simply will not resolve the issue because it cannot. Outlawing large capacity magazines will not resolve the problem as people will simply purchase more magazines.
   The only thing new laws can accomplish is to give basis for prosecution and give peace officers authority to act on unlawful behavior. Other than that laws are useless. Prohibition proved that when liquor was banned it fueled the black market. When the prohibition was repealed the black marked all but dried up. The same thing will happen with new gun control laws.
   Better and stronger background checks may prove to help—in some cases. However, in the Aurora theater shooting the suspect was even under a psychiatrist care but because there was no record of mental illness the back ground check proved nothing wrong. the suspect managed to procure weapons and ammunition in spite of the back ground check.
   Even God’s 10 commandments do not stop a person from murder, adultery, theft, lying or anything else. They were primarily given to show us how far off we have missed God’s mark for moral character. Ever since man has tried to write laws to govern people and restrict their behavior with mandates for punishment for violating said laws. In fact man is continually writing new laws to cover new crimes.
   Man’s problems will never get better or even subside for man’s fallen nature sinks ever so much deeper in degradation with each passing day. It is a sign of the end times [not to sound apathetic or simplistic]. Man has never been able to better himself with regulation. For every new law man creates he also creates at least 10 problems to resolve. Simply because sin is out of control and man’s heart is set to do evil.
   Until man’s heart is changed the world cannot change. Violence of all venues will still increase as man has set himself on a self destructive path. The one and only hope for man is to turn his heart to Jesus Christ, one heart at a time.
   Do we need gun control? Yes we do. Do we need laws? Yes we do. I am not saying we need to do away with laws for man without laws would surely self destruct at a lot faster pace that the present course.
Give your heart to Jesus Christ today. He is our only hope!

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