Monday, January 21, 2013

Goodness of God

Goodness of God
Psalm 31:19 Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!
Goodness in both the Old and New Testaments is an adjective which describes God’s moral character. It is not merely a list of good things He bestows upon His people, although most certainly they are a part of God’s goodness. Think rather of the good things we are party to as the expression of His divine being--for God truly is good!
Exactly how good is God?
Carefully examine Psalm 31, for example and see the goodness of God, His divine character.
1.    Righteous v.1
2.    Rock of defense v.2
3.    Fortress v.3
4.    Strength v.4
5.    Redeemer v.5
6.    Worthy of trust v.6
7.    Merciful in adversities v.7
8.    Has not forsaken us v.8
9.    Merciful in times of trouble v.9
10.  Worthy of trust v. 10-15
11. Deliverer v.15
12. Smiles upon us v. 16
13.  Absolves our shame v. 17
14. Takes up our cause against our enemies v. 18
15. Secret place in His hand v. 20
16. Showed His kindness [another demonstration of His divine character v. 21
17. Hears [answers] our pleas v. 22
18. Our preserver and rewarder v. 23
19. Strengthens our heart v. 24
    Romans 2:4b tells us that it is God’s goodness that leads people to repentance. meaning that the moral character of God is the driving factor drawing sinners to repentance to escape eternity’s hell fires. Our God is so great and good that He not only desires man to be saved but also set in motion His plan of redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ.
    Even as we list all the things God has given us we miss the point—all those things are in fact they are the evidence and manifestation of His character. So in essence we are ascribing those good things to God’s character. If we are merely listing God’s good deeds then we are shortchanging Him and relegating Him to the level of man.
    As we peek into the promises of God, salvation, food, clothing and shelter, life’s basic needs, we find that even His promises are the products of His moral character of goodness.
·         God is good…Psalm 73:1
·         There is none good but one, that is, God Matt. 19:17. Once again we see God’s character epitomized, by Jesus, as being the only one good—speaking of His moral character. The verse also compares man to God—none good but one.
·         No other being can ever lay claim to being of good moral character. Even Jesus asked, Why callest thou me good?
 Man verses God
   Man’s nature and character is flawed because of the fall in the Garden of Eden. Therefore man’s goodness or good deeds are just that—deeds. They are a list of deeds not flowing from a good heart. Therefore man’s character is the opposite of God’s. That is why Jesus could say in Matthew 19:17 there is none good. Man’s moral character is deeply marred by sin and is need of forgiveness.
    In the beginning Man was created or made in God’s image. He had a good character even as his Creator. Sin marred Man’s moral fiber and he became full of sin in need of redemption.
Faith Building Practice and Review
1.    List good things God does which are not a part of His moral character.
2.    Why did Jesus say no man is good? Matt.19:17
3.    What is the difference between God’s goodness and man’s?
4.    What is the problem with man’s character?
5.    Why are we not good?

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