"Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." Eph.5:14
For years the Church has been taught what to think instead of how to think. This, of course, had led many into a spiritual lethargy or sleep. We are continually told what to think about evolution or creation; we are told what to think about salvation; what to think about the second coming of Christ and the rapture; on and on it goes, til we've fallen asleep and have become unable to properly give an account for our beliefs. Evolutionists and atheists pound us with ever increasing lengths of time to purport their presumptuous positions of evolution and all manner of moral and ethical issues.
I sincerely wonder what would happen if the Church began to teach HOW to think instead of what to think.
We are all given to presuppositions of one sort or the other, but it has never been more clear than in the classrooms of our schools, especially in the college level, where professors bombard unwary souls with their own presuppositions of science, geology, evolution, and chemistry, wielding the threat of a failing grade for dissenters who dare to think on their own. unfortunately, this paralysis has bled into our houses of worship as well. Thus God's people are "led to the slaughter" by such heresies as evolution and others.
Therefore, it is my goal to attempt to teach others how to think, instead of what to think. The end result being able to produce skilled warriors for Christ, able to inflict great harm to Satan's kingdom by purporting biblical truth as opposed to fiction and fantasy.
For Example: evolutionists advance their theory based on Time; the Big Bang, or explosion: and no God or atheism. They further demand that you "prove" your theory of creation without the use of the Bible. How would you accomplish that feat?
Now you are forced to either concede to ungodly beliefs--or to learn how to think on your own.
How would you fare? Do you know how to think? Stay tuned!
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