Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Recipe for Witches Brew for Soul Winning

                                                   Recipe for Witches Brew for Soul Winning

·         Little pinch of Bible knowledge (just enough to be dangerous)
·         1 huge inflated ego
·         Plenty of arrogance
·         Add a sinful lifestyle, adultery, lies, hypocrisy, unloving, backbiting, gossip, malice, un-forgiveness etc.
·         Blasphemy, just a touch
·         Blend with red hot, fiery anger, insults, insinuations etc.
·         Add a touch of resentment
·         6 measures of impatience (if they don’t get saved NOW) they’ll be in hell!
·         Plenty of judgmental comments and condemnation
·         A splash of Racial slurs
·         Carry a huge Bible and quote lots of condemning Scriptures
·         1 loud braggadocios  testimony (repeat often, to the point of making them sick)
·         4 large cups of feigned love for fellow man
·         Slam the door in the face of all Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses etc., followed by railing accusations
·         Look down on those who are lost, as if they were lepers
·         Argue minutest details with vehement anger, regardless of who is right (after all you’re the Christian)
·         Have plenty of disdain for those not of your  denomination
·         Heap on strive and division, carefully ridiculing and judgment of others.
Blend all ingredients with periodic displays of contempt and disdain for your fellow man, and serve generously to everyone.
Be sure to provide extra servings especially to those most undeserving, the widows, fatherless, homeless, helpless, etc.
Serving size: Be sure to heap on you can dish out.
Yield: serves and passes judgment on millions.
Results: countless lost souls!!!

Now Thank God that you’re not one of those HEATHENS!

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