Monday, May 28, 2012

Why do I need Crossroads of Life?

Why do I need Crossroads of Life?
That's a question I often hear, to which I have listed are several reasons:
1.    We live in a fallen world plagued with opportunities for failure, however, because our God loves us and desires for us to prosper and be successful, read Joshua 1:6-9, He has outlined principles in his book, the Bible, to insure our success and prosperity, and I'm not talking about the "name it and claim it message" we so often her about. It has been said that there are over 800 principles on finances alone in the Book of Books.
2.     Because of our fallen world, many of us simply don't know how to make sound decisions. This can have devastating and perpetual affects. We tend to make decisions by habit expecting different results. Someone has called this insanity.
3.     Life is short. Some of life's decisions don't come with the luxury of being able to fully recover, especially in the latter years of our lives.
4.     Many of life's decisions don't have to do with morality, but many do. Most are related either directly or indirectly.
5.    Most of us have never been taught how to make good decisions. Therefore we are often unaware of the pitfalls lying in ambush for us.
6.    Emotions play an integral part in decision-making, whether we realize it or not. We get emotional when purchasing a car, home, or clothes. Our heart skips a beat or more every time we meet a "good looking person", male or female, and we plunge into the unchartered waters of matrimony simply because we're lonely. No one is exempt from making bad decisions, emotional or otherwise.
7.    Crossroads of Life is full of useful tools to assist the reader in making great decisions. It is beneficial for all ages, for teaching younger generations, as well as changing bad decision--making skills of the aged adults.
8.    We often choose a place of worship based on the premise that "if it was good enough for great, great, great grandma and grandpa, it’s good enough for me" mentality. Crossroads of Life gives you tools to select your house of worship.
9.    Contrary to what many believe, Life does come with a book of instructions--the Bible. If you pay heed to your doctor or dentist's instructions, why not listen to the Creator of Heaven and Earth? He wrote the instruction book for life, whether it be relationships, financial, worship, moral, ethical, it's all in there, so why ignore God's instruction book--the Bible!
Purchase a copy now--TODAY! You'll never regret it!
Available in paperback, hardcover and ebook, Westbow Press; Barnes & Noble;; or your favorite book store can order it.
When you have read the book, I'd appreciate it if you would log onto, Barnes & Noble and www.crossroadsoflife/richardgodfrey/westbowpress and write a review. That will help others know of the great help and benefits you received from the book.

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