Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Press Release

When Lightning Strikes
A Time to Mourn a Time to Heal
A study of Grief and Healing
by Amazon Books
Richard is the author of Crossroads of Life, 2011, and has been an avid student and teacher of the Bible for over thirty years, and has written Bible studies for over ten years, emailing them across the country to friends and relatives. He and his wife, Diane, love to travel and enjoy spending time together with their family, and fellowship with others. They have four adult children, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
When Lightning Strikes was written partially out of personal need and desiring to help those suffering from the onslaughts of life. It is a two part book—the first part When Lightning Strikes, based on the biblical story of Job chronicling at least 26 times lightning struck him in a very short period of time. It’s a collage of interviews and stories depicting the grief and anguish people are exposed to in life.                                                      
  Part 2, Oil and Wine, is based on the story of the Good Samaritan who stops to administer aid and comfort to the man beaten and robbed by thieves on the side of the road. It gives the Scriptural foundation for comforting those in need and is intended to train the laity to give aid and comfort to the hurting.
Scheduled for release early 2014

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