Saturday, November 10, 2012

Officer Down! Part 2

Officer Down! Part 2
lmost immediately after part 1 had been publicized I realized I’d left out crucial information material to the healing of one recoiling from the pain of heartbreak. Therefore, I have prepared part 2.
Comfort Lessons from Job

In simplicity, Job gives us down to earth advice in plain simple language in our quest to comfort the suffering.

1.    Sit in silence: Job 2:12-13. Perhaps one of the most difficult, yet most important, is to simply be quiet, to hold our peace. There are numerous times when I’ve simply sat in silence with a person, having nothing to say. Many I’ve spoken with have said they don’t know what to say. I tell them that it is okay. Nothing is worse than to utter nonsense in such traumatic circumstances. Quite often the all the hurting one needs is to know you care, just by sitting in silence with them. Sometimes we come off as God’s handyman, trying to fix everything, when all they need and want is a little company. If you don’t know what to say—please don’t say it!

2.    Listen: Job 3:1. Listening goes hand in hand with silence. It’s impossible to listen while you’re babbling on incoherently. Remember, it’s not about you—it’s about the hurting! I’ve visited hospital patients who confided with me that of all the visitors I was the only one who actually visited with them and listened to them. All the others had visited with each other and left the patient out.

3.    The know it all: playing God is the hallmark of the know-it-all. They seem to have all the answers, but in reality are “a tinkling cymbal or sounding brass” 1Cor.13:1. Well meaning but just making noise. This is the “handyman fix it guy” ---my advice, stay at home. Leave it to the doctors to “fix” it.

4.    Express hope: Job 6:11. The scriptures are replete with hope even in the darkest of times—there is hope. Hope is what is needed when despair dominates our very beings. Despair creates the desire to quit, life, goals, dreams, ministry. To many involved in tragedy hope seems to be lost. They feel desolate, helpless, and feeling no one cares, their all alone.

5.    Kind words: Job 6:14 Pr.25:11,13 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” :”As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.” Use kind words, never belittle or accuse someone of wrongdoing or imply that their mishap is because of some carelessness or sinful ant.

6.    Honesty: Job 6:25. Tell the truth—in Love. There is a way to tell the truth and a way not to. Sugarcoating is another word for lying. However, voice tone and facial expression speak louder than words. Yours is not to interrogate; yours is to comfort. Don’t put salt to an open wound, that’s what salves are for.

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