Saturday, November 17, 2012

Laid to Rest

Laid to Rest
After a tumultuous week at the Lakewood Police Department in Lakewood, Co. officer James Davies was Laid to Rest on Thursday November 15th.
What do we mean by the phrase laid to rest? From a biblical perspective man, from the fall of Adam and Eve, our first parents, has been ordained to labor by the sweat of his face until he returns to the dust from which he came(Genesis 3:19). Thus when we die we are to be laid to rest from the labors of our profession.
Before the fall man’s task was to till the soil in the beautiful Garden of Eden, a seemingly enjoyable experience, but afterward it became laborious, toilsome, and difficult as now they were thrown out of the Garden into a world where death was to be prevalent. Before the fall there was no death; not of man, nor beast, not even the plant and vegetation. Now, outside the Garden, thorns and thistles [weeds] became man’s constant companion and enemy.
The first biblical account of man’s physical demise is recorded in Genesis 4:1-13 when Cain slew Abel, his own flesh and blood brother, because of jealousy. From that point forward history records mankind as full of violence. Full of hatred, malice, covetousness, murders and runs the gamut of human depravity and lawlessness.
It is for this very reason that God ordained human powers or rulers, to combat the lawlessness in the world and champion the innocent and fatherless. It is for this reason that Officer James Davies chose the honorable, God ordained profession of Law Enforcement. It is said that Officer Davies referred to the lawless as “dirties”, and himself as a “dirty hunter”. Though God does not use the term “dirties” yet He ordained human government to prevail over human activities whether good or bad. Though, perhaps, James Davies never realized or fully understood his divine appointment as an officer of the law, nevertheless, James Davies was ordained of God to fulfill the high office appointed to him. Most of us rarely understand it ourselves.
Regardless of the profession one chooses there are always thorns and thistles, or as Officer Davies put it “dirties”. Meaning that in every profession we must work by the sweat of our face/brow until the day we are called home. Every profession has its “dirties”, its low points and high points, its disadvantages and advantages.
An earlier study on passion revealed that in order for one to really succeed and prosper in a profession, one must have a passion for the said profession. Passion is that element which provides the staying power to tough it out regardless or the ups and downs, regardless of the adversity; as I put it, regardless of how often life poops and pees on you it’s the passion that will keep you from abhorring the profession. I believe that the passion you feel is a sign that you have entered your God given profession or assignment. Furthermore, one may have numerous passions or professions in this life. As one passion wanes yet another arises from within. Passion is a MUST in marriage as well. If the couple is not passionate for one another the marriage will shipwreck in the first gale that blows upon it. (See Matthew 7:21-27). Believe me, strong vehement storms will eventually beat against every marriage and every career a person chooses.
So it is with the profession chosen by James Davies and countless others in the honorable profession of Law Enforcement. I challenge each of you in that profession to look inside your heart and soul for that passion that will take you far beyond the vehement storm that beat against your noble profession this past week. It’s that very passion that will get you through this stormy weather safely to the other side. Do not be afraid to seek help in the form of counseling and guidance or merely sharing your brokenness with a confidant.
 For the spouses of those wounded by this tragedy, you must stand by your companion with increased vigilance and support, ever watching for possible telltale signs of needing help. Signs such as a change in behavior may be sudden or subtly changing, or erratic behavior like uncharacteristic outbursts of anger, moodiness, and overt increase in alcohol consumption or even smoking. Withdrawal from social activities or changes from normal temperament may all be signs that help may be needed. Remember, you also are reeling from the severity of this tragedy and may be in need of help as well, though perhaps not on a professional level. I am convinced that Scripture mandates every believer be a sort of first responder to administer aid and comfort until more professional assistance may be obtained as needed.
I’m encouraged by the reports of some who’ve cried until their tears would no longer flow. It’s a sign of releasing the pressure and anxiety from within. Verbal expression of their feelings may also be of help. Expressing oneself through writing, whether private or public may also be a good sign. Unfortunately, far too many warning signs have been ignored until it’s too late. From the outset the feelings expressed may seem extreme, but remember there is a whole lot more pressure built up within than anyone could possibly imagine. The objective is to spot early warning signs and seek to head off possible future disaster. For more on helping those in need please refer to Officer Down Part 2.
I’ve met people who’ve gone on for years and years with negative behavior patterns without seeking professional assistance. Many times they are in a perpetual denial of their abnormal behavior.
For those who are hurting, what you’re experiencing are normal emotional reactions to an extreme circumstance. You are not losing it! You can and will make it with proper help and the prayers and support of your loved ones. You may also be able to see some signs of needing to seek out further help. If so, please seek help. Don’t be anxious of sharing your innermost feelings with a trusted friend or loved one. Many times this is all you need to pull you through. You have many loved ones who depend on you and will support you no matter what you’re going through. Just promise you’ll not try to go it alone.
Officer James Davies has been properly Laid to Rest. It is his time to sleep while the rest of us continue to toil under the sun, knowing that someday we too will be laid to rest.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Officer Down! Part 2

Officer Down! Part 2
lmost immediately after part 1 had been publicized I realized I’d left out crucial information material to the healing of one recoiling from the pain of heartbreak. Therefore, I have prepared part 2.
Comfort Lessons from Job

In simplicity, Job gives us down to earth advice in plain simple language in our quest to comfort the suffering.

1.    Sit in silence: Job 2:12-13. Perhaps one of the most difficult, yet most important, is to simply be quiet, to hold our peace. There are numerous times when I’ve simply sat in silence with a person, having nothing to say. Many I’ve spoken with have said they don’t know what to say. I tell them that it is okay. Nothing is worse than to utter nonsense in such traumatic circumstances. Quite often the all the hurting one needs is to know you care, just by sitting in silence with them. Sometimes we come off as God’s handyman, trying to fix everything, when all they need and want is a little company. If you don’t know what to say—please don’t say it!

2.    Listen: Job 3:1. Listening goes hand in hand with silence. It’s impossible to listen while you’re babbling on incoherently. Remember, it’s not about you—it’s about the hurting! I’ve visited hospital patients who confided with me that of all the visitors I was the only one who actually visited with them and listened to them. All the others had visited with each other and left the patient out.

3.    The know it all: playing God is the hallmark of the know-it-all. They seem to have all the answers, but in reality are “a tinkling cymbal or sounding brass” 1Cor.13:1. Well meaning but just making noise. This is the “handyman fix it guy” ---my advice, stay at home. Leave it to the doctors to “fix” it.

4.    Express hope: Job 6:11. The scriptures are replete with hope even in the darkest of times—there is hope. Hope is what is needed when despair dominates our very beings. Despair creates the desire to quit, life, goals, dreams, ministry. To many involved in tragedy hope seems to be lost. They feel desolate, helpless, and feeling no one cares, their all alone.

5.    Kind words: Job 6:14 Pr.25:11,13 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” :”As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.” Use kind words, never belittle or accuse someone of wrongdoing or imply that their mishap is because of some carelessness or sinful ant.

6.    Honesty: Job 6:25. Tell the truth—in Love. There is a way to tell the truth and a way not to. Sugarcoating is another word for lying. However, voice tone and facial expression speak louder than words. Yours is not to interrogate; yours is to comfort. Don’t put salt to an open wound, that’s what salves are for.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Officer Down!

Officer Down!
erhaps two of the most terrifying words to a Police Department are “Officer Down!” And yet, that is precisely what happened to the Lakewood Police Dept. in Lakewood Co. on Friday, November 9, 2012
A call went out of reported shots being fired in the wee hours of Friday morning and several jurisdictions responded. Later, it was revealed that a Lakewood Police veteran, of six years, had been felled, by accident, by friendly fire. The tragedy will be under investigation for some time.
Our hearts are broken by the news and it is vital that we stay in prayer for:
1.    The fallen officer’s wife and children and extended family.
2.    For the officer, who accidently fired upon his friend, and his family, his pain has to be enormous and will endure for a lifetime.
3.    For the Lakewood Police Department family. Yes family, all who serve to protect its citizens unite together as a family unit, sharing experiences and their families unite together. Each one wonders if they will get the next bullet. How would you like to live with that thought?
4.    Finally, for all Law Enforcement officers everywhere as they too share a common bond of placing their lives on the line every day and every night for you and I to have a good night’s sleep.
Emotional Support:
The closer to the tragedy one is the more severe the emotional rollercoaster ride will be. For the fallen officer’s immediate family the trauma will be the greatest. For his friend and fellow officer, who fired the fatal shot/s the emotional trauma will linger for years, he will never forget. For those who were off duty that night is the wonder and anxiety of asking “Why wasn’t I the one” or “Why was I off that night.”For the Lakewood Police family all will be on “high alert” for the undetermined future. For all, the emotional rollercoaster will continue to be up and down for years to come. The “trickle down” effect will be felt for generations as the children of the “fallen” will grow up not knowing the fullness of their father’s love.
Emotions have an uncanny way of sneaking up on us. Just when you think you’re doing fine you may be blindsided by anger, depression, anxiety or any of the emotions associated with loss, trauma, and tragedy. These emotions may recur numerous times in the future. If proper healing, expression of feelings and emotions is allowed the emotional rollercoaster will eventually subside and eventually stop. If healing and expression is disallowed, the prognosis can have devastating effects for a lifetime.
PTSD—Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
PTSD was first detected in war veterans, who experienced the horrific atrocities of war. Many were subjected to numerous deployments into, yet another war zone, without the proper rest and treatment. They are taught to “suck-it-up”, “man-up”, or “toughen up”, very similar to our men and women behind the badge. But the human psychic can only take so much before it breaks. That’s what they are finally discovering with our war veterans. How much more those who wear the badge?
Our men and women in blue need time to safely express their personal feelings and experiences in a safe environment. They need support groups where they can safely express themselves. Their wives, especially, also need support groups to express their anxieties as spouses of Law Enforcement Peace Officers.
Support I say, not pity or disdain. They are doing a great service for you and I each day they put on the uniform, no matter the color of the fabric, no matter the color of their skin.
What can we do as Citizens?
The first thing we, as citizens, need to do is to recognize the enormous job these men and women do for you and I every day. I recommend a few things to raise your awareness, I’m sure you can think of others:
1.    Ride along with an officer on his or her shift, also called an Observation Ride. Believe me, this is a real eye opener!
2.    Get involved in a Neighborhood Watch supported by your local precinct.
3.    Most precincts have a Commander’s Meeting in which Neighborhood Watch Captains attend and bring their periodic reports.
4.    Pray daily for the men and women who wear the badge. They deserve and need your support.
Higher Powers
I have heard some pundits declare “Live by the sword, die by the sword”, referring to those who wear the badge (an apparent paraphrase from Matthew 26:52 when Jesus told Peter to put up his sword after cutting of the ear of the servant of the high priest). However, the proper passage is found in Romans 13:1-4 when Paul writes to the church at Rome to subject themselves to the higher power or authority. In Paul’s admonition he was referring to all in positions of authority (that includes law enforcement) that we should submit to them because they are ordained by God. If we refuse, we are in defiance of the Almighty God himself.
Therefore Law Enforcement officers are God’s ministers to us for good; that is unless we rebel against them.
I am the very proud father of a six year veteran of the Lakewood Police force, and have several family members, in-laws, who are either currently wearing the badge or have worn it in the past. My son is a close friend of both the aforementioned officers, of whom I’ve intentionally withheld their identities.
May God Bless those who proudly wear the badge.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post Election Hype

Post Election Hype
he 2012Presidential election  being over, the winners and losers declared, one party declaring they won so God must be on their side which logically means that God was opposed to the “other” side, which in turn must also mean that this nation will automatically turn back to God and the biblical principles upon which it was founded.
How absurd can such a fantasy get? It’s like saying God is on the side of the sports team that wins and opposed to the loser.
In reality God is not for or against any sports team or political party; regardless of how many Christians are on each team or party. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.
When viewing the election results we quickly discover that both parties have elected both Christians and a myriad of other religious views including atheists. All of which belong to either the “winning” or “losing” side.
Furthermore, we discover that some states have legalized marijuana, same sex marriages and a host of other anti-Christian values.  Those atrocities have been voted in by the populace and not legislated by the governing powers, albeit much money was handed over, by special interest groups, to various politicians for their support of such stated issues. We become further informed, at some time in the future, that most of the campaign promises either cannot or will not be kept.
I find it interesting that every Presidential election, with an incumbent running, the opposing party always, without exception, uses the campaign slogan: We can’t stand another four years with so and so. Ever notice that? It’s almost like they can’t come up with anything else, and worse they think the voters are dumb and stupid.
Setting the record straight
1Kings 14:7 “Go, tell Jeroboam, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Forasmuch as I exalted thee from among the people, and made thee prince over my people Israel.”
Psalm 75:7 “But God is the judge: he putteth down one and setteth up another.”

Proverbs 8:15-16 “By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and the nobles, even all the judges of the earth.”
Proverbs 16:33 “The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.”
Daniel 2:20-22 “Daniel answered and said. Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his; and he changeth the times and seasons: he removeth kings: and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: he revealeth the deep secret things: he knoweth what is in darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.”
These passages make it crystal clear that it is the Lord God who sets up kings, rulers and princes according to His own will. Yes, it is true that we have the privilege of voting, but as Prov.16:33 states, the lot, or in this case vote, is cast, but the disposing is still of the Lord. No matter how much money is spent on political parties, no matter how much advertising; when all is said and done, it is ultimately the Lord God who sets up kings, and rulers and brings them down. All according to His will and it has nothing to do with His political preference.
What can we expect?
I really hate to come off as negative or in opposition to popular belief, but Scripture tells us:
2Timothy 3:1-5 “This also know that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, dispisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness; but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
Friends, this and other passages assure us that we are in fact in the last days, and that the last days are to be filled with the very kind of wickedness as foretold. Not only that, but 2Timothy was written by Paul to Timothy, his young protégé pastor. The admonition has a twofold warning:
1.    A warning of increased evil and wickedness in the world we live in.
2.    It also included those within the church, who call themselves Christians.
Scary isn’t it? Sound a trifle negative? Truth is truth! So what does it have to do with the 2012 election?
Simply stated, the majority of Christiandom has been led to believe that the good ole US of A is the promised land, admittedly not by overt preaching, but by implication, because we, America, has long supported Israel, and also because of God’s promise to Abraham that all who bless Abraham [and his seed Israel] would be blest as well. See Genesis 12: 1-3. So, subconsciously we make an erroneous connection that we are the “Promised Land full of milk and honey.”
Yes, America has most certainly been blest for its support of Israel, however, that simply does not either imply, or assure, in any way shape of form, that America is the “promised land”.  However, because of wickedness and corruption abounding within America, its foundational principles have been severely compromised, by both the Democratic and Republican as well as Independent parties. Furthermore, eventually every one of Israel’s allies will eventually forsake her, including the United States of America, and Israel will stand alone with only the Lord God to stand with her.