Friday, July 13, 2012

Silver Bullet

Silver Bullet
s previously noted in the foregoing studies on depression I reiterate a few of those truths.

1.    Depression is called a spirit of heaviness in Isaiah 61:3
2.    Depression knows no bounds of affluence, influence, race, gender age, or religion.
3.    Depression can strike at any time and any place, seemingly without warning.
4.    It may strike multiple times with rapid fire succession.
5.    It strikes fear into the hearts of its victims and has the ability not only to paralyze, but also to steal, kill and destroy.
6.    It can destroy, kill, or destroy a job, marriage, relationship or even take your life.
7.    It wreaks havoc with the emotions and destroys self-esteem.
8.    Often it feels as if a dark heavy cloud is hovering over its victim.
God’s Silver Bullet
The good news is that God has a silver bullet for each of us! We just need not only to believe it but also fire it—immediately! The fables of werewolves fearing a lone “silver bullet” as being the only thing that will kill and destroy it remind me of God’s Silver Bullet.
It seems as though ever since I wrote the series that I have been under attack relentlessly, numerous times, at least three or four. You’d think I’d learn sooner rather than later—DUHHH!
Just as I was recovering from the last one I began to feel yet another, this time I began to pray and seek the Lord as soon as I felt the black cloud beginning to form. It was then the Lord showed me to begin my counter assault immediately instead of waiting for it to engulf and consume me as before. Immediately, as I began to praise Him I could feel the spirit of depression dissipate. Praise Him!!!
All the Rx’s mentioned in the previous lessons are true but have more power if we use them immediately. I believe that many of us succumb so quickly and deeply because we wait until we are consumed with grief before we begin to act, by then we are usually too weak to act in faith, but meekly and weakly, with our “dying” breath begin to fight.
God has many silver bullets:
1.    Isa.61:3 the garment of praise [implies an entire covering]
2.    Phil.4:8 a change of thinking
3.    Gen.40 Joseph’s story—he helped others
4.    Stop blaming yourself or others
5.    Isa.26:3 keep your mind on the Lord—not your problems
6.    2Cor.10:5 cast down imaginations
7.    James 4:7 submit unto the Lord
8.    David sang psalms before Saul to drive away the evil spirits—there is power in music

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