Friday, July 13, 2012

Silver Bullet

Silver Bullet
s previously noted in the foregoing studies on depression I reiterate a few of those truths.

1.    Depression is called a spirit of heaviness in Isaiah 61:3
2.    Depression knows no bounds of affluence, influence, race, gender age, or religion.
3.    Depression can strike at any time and any place, seemingly without warning.
4.    It may strike multiple times with rapid fire succession.
5.    It strikes fear into the hearts of its victims and has the ability not only to paralyze, but also to steal, kill and destroy.
6.    It can destroy, kill, or destroy a job, marriage, relationship or even take your life.
7.    It wreaks havoc with the emotions and destroys self-esteem.
8.    Often it feels as if a dark heavy cloud is hovering over its victim.
God’s Silver Bullet
The good news is that God has a silver bullet for each of us! We just need not only to believe it but also fire it—immediately! The fables of werewolves fearing a lone “silver bullet” as being the only thing that will kill and destroy it remind me of God’s Silver Bullet.
It seems as though ever since I wrote the series that I have been under attack relentlessly, numerous times, at least three or four. You’d think I’d learn sooner rather than later—DUHHH!
Just as I was recovering from the last one I began to feel yet another, this time I began to pray and seek the Lord as soon as I felt the black cloud beginning to form. It was then the Lord showed me to begin my counter assault immediately instead of waiting for it to engulf and consume me as before. Immediately, as I began to praise Him I could feel the spirit of depression dissipate. Praise Him!!!
All the Rx’s mentioned in the previous lessons are true but have more power if we use them immediately. I believe that many of us succumb so quickly and deeply because we wait until we are consumed with grief before we begin to act, by then we are usually too weak to act in faith, but meekly and weakly, with our “dying” breath begin to fight.
God has many silver bullets:
1.    Isa.61:3 the garment of praise [implies an entire covering]
2.    Phil.4:8 a change of thinking
3.    Gen.40 Joseph’s story—he helped others
4.    Stop blaming yourself or others
5.    Isa.26:3 keep your mind on the Lord—not your problems
6.    2Cor.10:5 cast down imaginations
7.    James 4:7 submit unto the Lord
8.    David sang psalms before Saul to drive away the evil spirits—there is power in music

Thursday, July 5, 2012

This Ain't the Promised Land

                                              This Ain't the Promised Land
Hebrews 11:8-10 “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.”
’ve said it numerous times before and I’ll say it once again for it is important for Christians to remember—that although America, as blessed as it is, simply is not the Promised Land. Even though America was founded upon Christian principles, yes, as President Obama recently said, “It is not a Christian nation”. Those words brought the wrath of many in the Christian community. However, upon carefully examining those words along with reading the headlines of our daily newspapers, the ongoing and increasing violence, and blatant opposition to biblical principles, especially by those considered to be role models for the country, the conclusion must be that Mr. Obama’s statement was in fact, sad as it is, true.
Even the Promised Land, that narrow strip of land along the Mediterranean Sea, called Israel, is not our final home; certainly not the one Abraham searched for. It is but the temporary dwelling place of God’s Children (Israel) until He calls us home to the heavenly Jerusalem in Revelation 21:10. Just look and see all the corruption and evil against Israel today.
Christians are noted for quoting Genesis 12:1-3 whereas God called Abram out of his homeland to a place not described, promising that all who bless Abram [Abraham] and his posterity [Israel] would surely be blessed. For a fact, America has stood beside Israel through thick and thin, thus resulting in the blessings of God being poured out upon her. Yet throughout the years of being allied with Israel and reaping the blessings promised; America is still not a “Christian” nation. Yes, there are many Christians who live in this great country, but there are many who name the name of Jesus, and profess to be Christian, but whose fruit fails the acid test. Moreover there are a great many religions, in direct opposition to Christianity, staking their claim of many souls, many of them as elected officials of the country, thus reshaping the very nature of the country into that which is barely recognized as Christian.
Simply put, we, as Christians, are like our spiritual father Abraham; we have been called out of our homeland, and spend our days looking for the same home as Abraham. We do in fact have a dual citizenship [in a manner of speaking];
·         Our earthly home on this dirty little tennis ball (as Haddon Robinson has termed it)—but in reality we only have a “green card” or “work visa” until we are called to our heavenly abode.
·         Out true citizenship Eph.2:19 as fellowcitizens with the saints of God. They also were in search of God’s city, the same as Abraham’s.

Therefore, when it comes to voting in the elections it is best to keep in mind that—this place is not our home—we’re just a passing through [as the song says].
In 2008 I voted against Mr. Obama, not because of his race or skin color, but simply because of his affiliation with the Muslim community. However, based upon his track record as President I am inclined to reconsider. [Please don’t let my position influence your vote, as it is not my intention to do so].
As in every election there are many issues which will have a direct on all of us, one way or another. There are at least six points, therefore, that are vital in every election:
1.    Keep in mind that this is not our heavenly home; we are not the Promised Land.
2.    Every issue may seem valid, but some are more devastating than others.
3.    Man, as intelligent as he may seem; usually creates more problems than he solves.
4.    Therefore, there is no silver bullet to solve any issue [only God has the silver bullets, He will use them in the end of time].
5.    As heartbreaking and depressing as it may seem, we all have the obligation to do our research on the issues as best we can to vote our heart.
6.    2Cor.11:3 tells us that there is simplicity in Christ; as a result we need to find the “end result” or “end of the matter” Ps.37:37,38; Pr.5:4; Pr.14:12. When weighing issues and candidates, we must seek the “end of the matter” which may or may not be easy.