Saturday, March 22, 2014

God's Not Dead movie

God’s not Dead movie

The God's not Dead movie now showing at the Regal Theater complex at I25 and Monaco is the greatest Christian movie put out in recent years. It is extremely relevant in today's society whereas it demonstrates the prevailing attitude of atheism in America's colleges and youth today, yes even many adults.  Secular institutes of higher learning, even elementary and secondary school systems, have a prevailing assumption that God either is dead or never existed, or is complacent concerning the welfare of mankind. The movie is an excellent treatise on the existence of God and His perpetual care of His creation. Though it lacks the glamour of Hollywood, yet it is realistic in its presentation of contemporary humanity with all its distractions, care less attitudes toward spiritual matters, and presents validity in its arguments in favor of a li9ving, caring, and loving God. The setting in a college philosophy classroom lends credibility to the classroom and actors, who were superb and realistic in their performances.

A must see movie for all ages!!!
I encourage everyone to contact your local news to give the
movie its due credit.
God Bless
In His service to serve you

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Unequally Yoked together...Honor through Tithing

Read: Genesis 28:1-22; 2 Corinthians 6:14
Many scoff at the biblical mandate of not intermarrying with unbelievers therefore piercing themselves through with grievous wounds. It’s not enough to tell people, “No!”; “Don’t do it!” On the surface intermarrying may seem harmless, but they need to know what downfalls await them for violating this important lesson.
            Many are of the erroneous notion that God is out to deprive them of the “good” life. When in fact it is just the opposite; He has declared laws to assure our prosperity, success and abundant life. For in the beginning God created all things good and for our good. It was when Satan entered to deceive Eve that sin entered into the world and brought with it horrible curses. Therefore God instituted laws that when we choose to obey counteracts and produces well on our behalf. There are moral laws which tell us to treat our fellow human beings in the same manner we should desire to be treated. Sanitation laws are designed to prevent sickness and disease when obeyed. Many peoples and cultures have no sanitation procedures in effect and experience rampant death producing results.
So also His laws against intermarrying with unbelievers and partner-shipping with an unbeliever have the greatest potential of failing with long term negative consequences.
            Most often 2Cor.6:14 is applied to marriage between a man and a woman, however it is also applicable in business and other arenas of life.  The metaphor is made of two oxen hitched or yoked together; the one being smaller or weaker that the other that when put together, because of their size and or strength differences they end up fighting one another instead of working together as intended.
            When it comes to marriage or business the issues may shift from size and strength to one of opposing beliefs, honesty, integrity etc. All this is what displeased Esau’s parents he seemed hell bent on self destruction. It’s bad enough to be yoked together with Christians who do not hold to the high biblical standards as required by the Holy Writ. Understandably there are those who proclaim to be Christian whose lifestyle is a living demonstration and those who proclaim without possessing the birthright. There are also those of various stages of growth in their walk with the Lord God; some are yet babes in Christ in need of the milk of the Word, while others have progressed to adolescents, teens, etc.---yet all need consistent nurturing from God’s word; whether personal or corporate we all need spiritual nourishment to survive; some as babes, need milk or easily digestible nutrition, while others have matured to a more substantial diet  filled with spiritual nutrients best suitable for their personal growth. You simply don’t throw a Porterhouse steak to a nursing baby expecting their digestive systems to handle it. Likewise it’s not beneficial to cast a babe in Christ into Revelation. It just doesn’t work that way.
In the Genesis text we discover that Rebekah (Gen, 27:46) is greatly disturbed at the decision of Esau, her elder son, to marry outside the family line, intermarrying with those outside their beliefs. Note: the emphasis is not necessarily “family ties” or even ethnic lines but beliefs i.e.: Are they believers in the Creator God of Abraham or of false gods and idols? If you recall Abraham was a worshipper of the Living Creator God, while Hagar was of Egyptian heritage each having diametrical moral and world views. It was into the Egyptian culture of beliefs that Esau mingled himself in marriage.
In the case in point, Esau’s intermarrying put great stress upon his parents, Isaac and Rebekah. So much stress that Isaac purposefully took Jacob aside and admonished him to go to Padanaram to his mother’s house and take a wife from family members; those of like faith. This is not to be considered a relationship of incest rather it serves to fortify a principle of not intermarrying with an unbeliever or infidel thus insuring fidelity in marriage and things of the Spirit.
The overwhelming difference is:
·         Opposing world views
·         Opposing morals
These two are what cause division in families and business partners. Thus if one is chronically attracted to an unbeliever or covets money and is materialistic, then they have need of reexamining their motives. Governments likewise are divided along these two opposing positions.

Quite notably this passage is primarily directed toward those claiming to be prophets [may also be rendered ministers] but may also apply to the observation of a prospective lifelong soul mate. [There are those, who by pretence present themselves as children of God without the credentials of birthright.]
Other points stand out:
·         Jacob had respect toward his parents
·         Jacob was obedient toward his parents
·         Esau, though knowing the family customs and beliefs showed disrespect and disobedience and a tendency toward the fleshly lifestyle and not that of the spirit. He was a carnal man.
These points are evident in Jacob’s life as opposed to his brother Esau. That is why Eph.6:1-3 admonishes children to obey, honor, and respect their parents. Long life and well being is the product of respectful and obedient children.
            Aside from the text declaring Esau to be Isaac’s favorite and Jacob Rebakah’s favorite the text appears to have treated both boys equally. Both were reared to love and know the Lord God; both were acutely aware of the importance of the birthright thereby instilling upon them Godly principles and morality. However, though one has the very best of upbringing it is not insured of a person’s outcome. It merely assures that the parents did all they knew to do.
Reiterates Esau’s choice of wives and their ancestry, all the way back to Ishmael, Abraham’s son of the bondwoman the son with whom the birthright did not fall, the son of the flesh. Therefore it is of utmost importance to teach our children to marry only devout Christian partners. Matthew 7:15-23 outlines the basic premise on which to discern between a believer and a nonbeliever. To observe their works; what fruit do their works produce?
·         Esau did not please, honor, respect, or obey his father Isaac.
·         It may be safe to assume that intermarrying with unbelievers may be traced back to Ishmael as the son of a bondwoman; i.e. before you and I received the birthright to become the sons and children of God, we were all sons and daughters of the bondwoman---hence slaves to the flesh and sin.

Jacob’s ladder
A favorite psalm is derived from this passage: “I am climbing Jacob’s ladder…” I used to sing that song over and over as a youth, but with no understanding.
I find it a bit curious that Jacob, upon setting up camp for the night, took stones to provide for him a pillow. Surely he had in his provisions a pillow to lay his head on, but he chose rocks! I’ve been camping before in the mountains and I know for sure a rock is not very comfortable to lay on, much less your head for a pillow. However, Jacob was a herdsman and well inured to the hardships of the outdoor life, therefore it was no big deal to him.  Being raised as a “city slicker” I’m accustomed to “roughing” it at the local Marriott! Long gone are the days of my youth pitching a tent under the stars with pine boughs for a mattress on the cold hard ground with a feather pillow for my punkin’ head!
Jacob was evidently quite at home and comfortable in camping out for he wasted no time falling asleep and dreaming.  He dreamed of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending upon it.  And the Lord was standing above declaring His presence affirming His promise to Jacob, the same as to Abraham and Isaac. If we desire the blessings of Abraham we must obey God’s Word!
            When Jacob awoke he immediately sensed the presence of the Lord God, and was fearful not in the sense of being “scared to death” but in a sense of awe and reverence. God’s presence will do that for you and me as well. What an awesome thing to be in the presence of the Holy One and know it! Isaiah was in His presence and fell at the altar worshipping! Isaiah 6:1-13
Realizing His presence Jacob vowed to ever give his live to the Lord; built an altar or a pillar of remembrance and vowed to pay a tenth [tithe] unto the Lord of all received of the Lord. It’s an important precept for you and me to keep today. Tithing is very much an integral part of worship; for it carries the tangible aspect of trust…trusting Him with your very all. When you give it thought ten percent is really not very much to worship Him with. It is in fact but a token of what He hath bestowed upon us. Plus the added benefit He promises to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.
Faith Building Practice and Review
1.    What are a few of the pitfalls of intermarrying with unbelievers?
2.    What two opposing views are evident with the intermingling of believers with unbelievers?
3.    The church was rife with what predominant issues?
4.    Why is it so important to choose a partner from the house of God?
5.    What is the importance of tithing for the believer?
6.    Why is Ephesians 6:1-4 so important for our children?

Knowing God
A brief [not complete, add to the list] synopsis of the persona of God:
·         Love
·         Gracious
·         Merciful
·         Righteous
·         Longsuffering
·         Gentle
·         Faithfull
·         Compassionate
·         Forgiving
·         Friend
       The ultimate goal of Bible study is to know God and not to merely memorize Bible trivia. As you study, identify the attributes of God. For instance: make a note when you read of God extending His forgiveness or compassion, and remember how He has done the same for you.
Book ordering information: WestBow Press 1-866-928-1240 ext 5022 or click on bookstore
When Lightning Strikes now available at Amazon books in Kindle or paperback
Both books are available on Amazon